学科师资 Subject Teacher
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性别 :女

籍贯 :辽宁省

出生日期 :1995年

研究领域 :农业可持续生产与消费

邮箱地址 :t2023087@njau.edu.cn


js333金沙线路检测登录入口农业经济管理博士,主要研究方向为农业可持续生产与消费,涉及消费帮扶、农业供应链韧性、农业系统可持续发展、农户环境友好生产行为等研究主题。作为核心成员参与国家社会科学基金项目等多个课题,已在《Food Policy》《Ecological Economics》《农业经济问题》等期刊上合作发表论文多篇。




1. Zhang, T., Hu, W., Zhu, Z.*, & Penn, J. (2023). Consumer preference for food products addressing multiple dimensions of poverty: Evidence from China. Food Policy, 115, 102419.

2. Zhu, Z., Zhang, T.*, & Hu, W. (2023). The accumulation and substitution effects of multi-nation certified organic and protected eco-origin food labels in China. Ecological Economics, 203, 107625.

3. Zhu, Z., Ma, X., Tian, X., & Zhang, T.*. (2023). The value of food products from mixed crop-livestock systems: environmental benefits and regional environmental carrying capacity. Applied Economics, 55(16), 1859-1875.

4. 朱战国,朱书凝,周琳,张彤*.高质量发展新格局下中国生猪产业可持续发展水平评价[J].农业经济问题,2023,(04):105-122.

5. 朱战国,白林,张彤*.“同线同标同质如何影响消费者内销食品选择?[J].华中农业大学学报(社会科学版),2023,(01):133-144.

6. 朱战国,张彤.三重冲击下农业企业如何实现供应链韧性提升?——以温氏为例[J].js333金沙线路检测登录入口学报(社会科学版),2023,23(05):178-190.

7. Yan T, Zhang T, Zhu Z. The Environmental Tax Scheme in China’s Large-Scale Pig Farming: Balancing Economic Burden and Responsibility[J]. Agriculture, 2023, 13(8): 1576.

8. 朱战国, 董鑫, 张彤. 农产品生态系统价值的标签化策略——基于选择实验法的实证分析[J]. js333金沙线路检测登录入口学报(社会科学版),202222(01)160-171.

9. Bai, L., Zhanguo Zhu*, & Zhang, T. (2021). How to improve food quality in the domestic market: The role of “Same Line Same Standard Same Quality”—evidence from a consumer choice experiment in China. Sustainability, 13(10), 5709.